INF20011 Mobile Business And Social Media
The main aim of this assignment is to start you thinking about social network analysis.
step 1 will be to select a local firm (within Australia) which has active presence on Twitter. Once selected please consult your tutor for approval as your
step 2. No two groups should feature the same firm in their analysis.
Step 3 is to understand the firm’s social media footprint. Here each group need to look into how many platforms the selected firm currently exist on (e.g. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram etc). Your team will need to understand how and what each platform is used for and how many accounts the firm has for each platform. This will also include details such as likes, favourites, followers, following etc. For example IBM may have 5 other (peripheral) twitter accounts apart from the main account. Groups will need to make note of each platform and carefully observe/analyse each account and the interactions within to interpret the social media footprint.
You 4th step will require you to map a SNA on your chosen firm using NodeXL. To do this your group must be conversant with the software and be able to run analysis and interpret the data. It is advised that you run 8-10 analyses on each Twitter account before gathering enough information to write the report. This is because the NodeXL software that you have is the basic version and it have limitations when it comes data import and analysis. Your report should have the following:
Firm's background and social media footprint
Agenda for each social media platform and account specific
An analysis on chosen account Twitter and the threads within
You 5th step is to draw a conclusion for the firm from your analysis based on their current SNA mapping.
Once you have completed this component of this assignment you should have a better appreciation of SNA mapping the various critical components approaching social media strategy. This report needs to be analytical with good literature support. It is important to show critical analysis. Do remember that this assignment needs to be delivered in a report format with proper sections (executive summary, introduction, content by sections and conclusion).
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